Our emotions matter and affect our performance.
3 months ago, NBHSPrincipals
Win a chance to Slime A Teacher on Feb. 1st period 9. Buy your raffle at lunch for $1.00
3 months ago, Mrs. Seeno
Slime A Teacher for ALS
Slime A Teacher for ALS
Hey seniors...an old friend of mine, Jeremy Thode, from Jonah's Mission just shared these scholarship opportunities....Consider applying!
3 months ago, NBHSPrincipals
3 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
Let's go Bulldogs!
3 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
Dear Student's and Parents/Guardians, Starting in February, the Guidance Department will begin taking course requests for the 2024-25 school year. The new course guide is published on the high school site (Go "high school" then "NBHS Students" and look at "Guidance"). A schedule will be shared out next week and students will be called down by their class, they do not need to make an appointment. All the best, Mr. Stephen Dombo Director of Guidance
4 months ago, Stephen Dombo
2024-25 Course Guide
Just a reminder that tomorrow evening, the Guidance Department will be having our annual Junior College night. The program starts at 7:00 pm in the high school auditorium. All 10th and 11th graders and their parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
4 months ago, Stephen Dombo
Junior College Night
Just a reminder that we are offering a great preparation class for the March SAT exam. There is still time to enroll and classes start this week.
4 months ago, Stephen Dombo
March SAT prep
I think about this quote every day! MLK... BE THE CHANGE!
4 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
BE THE CHANGE! Remember his words and deeds!
4 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
MLK Quotes... wisdom shared and remembered! BE THE CHANGE!
4 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
MLK legacy... makes you think?!? BE THE CHANGE!
4 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
As we celebrate MLK Day today, I will share some of my favorite quotes. BE THE CHANGE!
4 months ago, Jonathan Klomp
📚 Exciting News for North Babylon High School Students! 🎉 We're thrilled to announce that free online tutoring services are now at your fingertips through the TutorMe platform! 🙌 Access it easily by clicking the TutorMe App on your Classlink Launchpad page!
4 months ago, Mrs. Thomson
NB TutorMe
On Wednesday, January 17th, the Guidance Department will be offering our annual College Information Night in the North Babylon High School Auditorium. There will be a panel of college admission representatives explaining the admission process and what colleges are looking for. All 10th and 11th grade students and their families are encouraged to attend.
4 months ago, Stephen Dombo
College Information Night
Here is a great opportunity to prepare for the March SAT!
4 months ago, Stephen Dombo
SAT Prep
5 months ago, NBHSPrincipals
Alumni Event Register here: https://forms.gle/aDhCWN9tsmzJ8Y6MA
5 months ago, NBHSPrincipals
Attention NBHS Alumni, Please remember on December 21, 2023 at 1:30 we will be holding an Alumni event for you to see your former classmates and teachers. We would love it if you were able to come and visit. Hope to see you there.
5 months ago, Stephen Dombo
Alumni Reception
NBHS Alumni come back home for the holidays and visit with their former teachers from 1:30 to 2:40 in the Cafeteria on December 21st, 2023. Please share with your former classmates. Register for the event using the attached QR code. Hope to see you there.
5 months ago, Stephen Dombo
Alumni reception