"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Loving Your Enemies, Strength to Love, 1963
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
The survey sent home was to get an idea of who would want to go full virtual as an option. There would still be in-person instruction on the appropriate Cohort Days, but some parents may choose to place their children in a full remote option. In-person instruction would continue as is. The survey is for informational purposes. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS44R1orI5eguXX7qgMk_m5xgk4u2Ki8lzBqOeL_RpxuJclQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
The District is considering providing students in grades 7-12 an option to participate in a full virtual program. This would entail students to participate daily in their current assigned schedule via Google Meet every day school is in session. After receiving input from our parents, teachers, administrative team, and Board of Education, a decision will be made. By filling out this survey, you will be assisting us in this decision making process. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS44R1orI5eguXX7qgMk_m5xgk4u2Ki8lzBqOeL_RpxuJclQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Tonight! Join us this evening as we induct our new member into the Nation Honor Society. Please click on the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uiCQ8gGiGyGj2d16uJYZFORk6D_JuLL/view
over 3 years ago, NBHS Webmaster
National Honor Society Induction
National Honor Society Induction Video will be posted to NBHS Website at 7pm. Congrats to our inductees and their families! Thank you Ms. Seeno our honor Society Advisor. Go Bulldogs!
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
The District is considering providing students in grades 7-12 an option to participate in a full virtual program. This would entail students to participate daily in their current assigned schedule via Google Meet every day school is in session. After receiving input from our parents, teachers, administrative team, and Board of Education, a decision will be made. By filling out this survey, you will be assisting us in this decision making process. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS44R1orI5eguXX7qgMk_m5xgk4u2Ki8lzBqOeL_RpxuJclQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS 2021 Virtual Black History Month Celebration The 2021 North Babylon High School Black History Celebration will be held virtually. Each day, beginning on February 1st will feature performances of students/staff on our school social media and webpage. Are you an artist? Any visual medium (painting, sculpture, etc.) singer, dancer, actor, or spoken-word artist? Would you like to share your talent with the North Babylon community in a celebration of Black History month? If so, submit a post ready video or image of your piece. Who: Any student or staff member of North Babylon High School Requirements: Each piece must be taped using a format compatible with most web-based media (like mp4 or jpeg) Pieces can be up to 4 minutes in length. Pieces will be screened for quality and appropriateness of content . Please note that these contributions are being presented virtually to the community and word-choice must contextually convey meaning in a purposeful manner. Questions? Email sdurio@northbabylonschools.net Submission Deadline: January 25, 2021 (Late submissions cannot be accepted) Send submissions as an attachment to sdurio@northbabylonschools.net for review by a committee. Please review your submission for quality of sound and video clarity, etc. before submitting. We will not be sending submissions back for corrections or editing before posting. If a video is deemed to be unusable for any reason, you will be notified. The schedule of posting is at the discretion of the administration.
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
We hope you had a happy, healthy and relaxing holiday break. It has come to our attention that there is some confusion regarding the Cohort A and Cohort B indicators that are listed on the calendar in the parent and student portal. Please note that the cohort indicators listed in the eSchool parent and student portals indicate the students that are working remotely from home. Please refer to the link on the district website "HS Cohort Calendar" under Student Resources for a schedule of the days students should be attending for in person instruction. This week, students assigned to Cohort A are scheduled to be attending school in person on Monday and Tuesday and students assigned to Cohort B are scheduled to attend school in person on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
ab calendar
Message from Mrs. Loudon, Class of 2021 Advisor.Today live on Instagram @ 4:30 Senior personalities will be announced by class officers! Follow our page NBSENIORS2021. Information about pictures for the yearbook will be sent to your school email. Be there!!!!!!
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
12/10/20 Dear NBHS Families, The District was notified that two students at NBHS have tested positive for COVID-19. They will quarantine for the required time frame as determined by the Department of Health guidelines. All students and staff have been notified if they are required to quarantine due to this case. If you have not received a call from a North Babylon School District Official, you have not been identified as a close contact of the individual. The District follows the Department of Health (DOH) guidelines to determine a close contact which is defined as any individual who is less than 6 feet apart from the positive case for more than 10 minutes over a 24 hour time period. We consistently remain in contact with the Suffolk County Department of Health and will continue to follow all necessary protocols and guidance to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. We continue to follow CDC recommended guidelines for deep cleaning affected areas. As a reminder, the symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the regular seasonal influenza and include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Some people have reported additional symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. If any student or employee begins to display any of these symptoms, please contact a medical provider. Again, the health and safety of our students, staff, and faculty are of the utmost importance. We thank you for the partnership. Stay Well! Glen A. Eschbach Superintendent Download Letters English Spanish
over 3 years ago, Nicole Losito
NBHS Parent Teacher Conferences 12/3 2-6 pm. Sign-up and directions: Part I using Canyon Creek- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vSvRTaZLHelgX2S1YaBpmr643puPU5aX/view?usp=sharing Part II Google Meet link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRVsaqTbniR4lIqjMe6wDpnKZ_24p40K/view?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
NBHS Parent Teacher Conferences 12/3 2-6 pm. Sign-up and directions: Part I using Canyon Creek- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vSvRTaZLHelgX2S1YaBpmr643puPU5aX/view?usp=sharing Part II Google Meet link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRVsaqTbniR4lIqjMe6wDpnKZ_24p40K/view?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
Attention Juniors & Seniors ~ The EAC safe driving program, “Traffic & Parking Violations & Teen Driving,” will be held virtually on Monday, December 7 at 6 pm. Participation in this program is required for all students seeking park on campus. Parent or guardian attendance is also required. To register for the meeting on Monday, December 7 at 6pm, please click on this link to complete the registration form: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwoduChqTotEtw4go_KAY9OgePYapB_CqVr *Priority will be given to seniors who need to register for this session. Juniors will also have an opportunity to attend the program in March and August 2021.
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
Congrats to our NBHS Champions...Adults and students who were nominated this Fall for inspiring, improving, and helping others! A truly moving online ceremony last night!
over 3 years ago, NBHSPrincipals
Happy Thursday from NBHS!
over 3 years ago, Jonathan Klomp