Family Connect Night


The third Wednesday of every month is designated as Family Connect Night. This will be a night with one focus: Togetherness. No homework will be assigned to students on these nights. The only assignment will be for the family to come together and share time. A list of suggested family activities is listed below. The choice is yours. 

It is encouraged to send pictures so they  can be displayed on our Family Connect
Night Bulletin Board.  Please send your pictures to so we can have these pictures posted to our website.  Please be sure to use only horizontal pictures as vertical pictures do not upload well to our website.

Suggested Family Activities

1. Read under a blanket tent. Set up a huge blanket tent in the living room and have the entire family sit under it while one member reads a favorite book out loud.
2. Cook together. Cook a meal that the whole family can help prepare.
3. Paint your own mug; buy inexpensive glass mugs and acrylic paint and have each member decorate a mug for their own use.
4. Play a casual game of baseball, football, or basketball.
5. Color together. Bring out a pile of coloring books and a bucket of crayons. Sit around the dining room table and color. The conversation will flow as everyone creates.
6. Make your own bubble solution out of dish soap and water. Go outside, blow bubbles, chase and pop them.
7. Play show and tell. Have each family member choose an item that is important to them and tell them about it.
8. Go on a nature walk at a local park or outdoor trail- point out different plants and trees.
9. Take a family bike ride after dinner.
10. Have a formal dinner. Set the table with your best tableware, have everyone dress up and use your best manners. Use a fancy name- like prince or princess- and behave as one would.
11. Complete a puzzle together as a family.
12. Check out a sporting event or performing arts event in the North Babylon School District.
13. Make a family photo album. Have the kids pick pictures from a recent vacation or family gathering. Place the photos in a scrapbook and add funny sayings or descriptions to the photos.
14.  Play board games like Scrabble and Pictionary.
15. Go to the local playground and swing together or climb the monkey bars. Kids love it when parents play like they do.
16. Bake together. Take turns picking out your favorite recipes from a cookbook and let the kids join in on the fun.
17. Enjoy a cookout. Safely cook food over an open fire or barbeque. Sit in a circle and tell stories.
18. Family star watching night. Lay outside on a blanket in the yard and look up at the stars together. Try to map out constellations and look up the stories behind the names.
19. Have a family movie night and watch old family videos together.
20. Visit a public library and choose books to read together.