People lined up at the front of a classroom while students look at them

Fifth graders throughout the district had the opportunity to learn about their future school when Robert Moses Middle School Principal Stephanie Hasandras, guidance counselors and eighth graders visited the elementary schools on March 28 and 29. This is the first time the middle school has come to the elementary schools for this type of visit.

“I thought I would try something new as my first year as principal of the middle school,” Ms. Hasandras said. “This gives us the opportunity to talk to students prior to them coming to visit the school in May and hopefully helps ease some of the anxieties of middle school.”

Ms. Hasandras spoke to students about the transition to the middle school, their schedule, workload and some of the activities and clubs that are available. She also reinforced the school’s mantra: respect, responsibility and relationships. She spoke about the similarities and differences between elementary and middle school, the different academic teams and the many different opportunities. Ms. Hasandras answered questions from students prior to them heading back to their classrooms to meet with the eighth graders. The eighth graders spoke to the students about their own experiences in middle school and offered guidance as they navigated through their first year at Robert Moses.

Principal Stephanie Hasandras speaking to students

Principal Stephanie Hasandras speaking with students

Principal Stephanie Hasandras speaking with students

People standing in front of a classroom and smiling

People standing in front of a classroom and smiling