Nomination of Candidates to the Board of Education

Petition packets are now available for pick at the Central Office with the
District Clerk. If you need any information, please call 631-620-7012 or
email at
Nominating petitions to become a member of the Board of Education
should be returned to the District Clerk not later than Monday, April 18,
2022, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm
Vacancies on the Board of Education are not considered separate, specific
offices; the candidates run at large.
The nominating petition must be directed to the District Clerk and must be
signed by at least 29 qualified voters of the District (representing the
greater of 2% of the number of voters who voted in the 2021 annual
election); must state the name and residence of each signer, and, must
state the name and residence of the candidate. However, it is encouraged
to collect more than 29 signatures.