Celebrating unstructured play and reading at DeLuca

Students at William E. DeLuca Jr. Elementary School, within the North Babylon
School District, recently celebrated World Read Aloud Day on Feb. 3. All students were
encouraged to bring a favorite book to school to read aloud to their class.
For 12 years, World Read Aloud Day has helped to instill a love of reading in young
children. The global effort, created by nonprofit organization, LitWorld, is designed to bring
people together through stories. For more information on World Read Aloud Day.

On Feb. 3, students also learned about the importance of “unstructured play” during
Global School Play Day. In a TEDx lecture. Peter Gray argues that today’s
children have been negatively affected by not engaging in regular play. The concept is to
direct children’s attention away from devices, screens and technology.
Students at DeLuca participated in games and socially distant activities, such as
word puzzles, solitaire and sudoku. Additionally, students were encouraged to continue
playing at home and reflect on their experiences.