Curriculum Guide - Kindergarten

Language Arts

- recognizing letters and initial sounds, A-Z
- decoding, blending
- left/right directionality
- picture and story details
- distinguish reality from make-believe
- know sixteen (25) 
Readiness Words
- distinguish between letters and words
- attempt to read using picture clues
- identify main idea, making inferences, identifying cause and effect
- read predictable books
- predictions / comparisons / conclusions
- fill in a sentence with the name of a picture, demonstrating an understanding of word meaning in sentences
- encourage love of reading

- use grade appropriate correct spelling
- copy and write letters (upper & lower case), A-Z
- left / right orientation in writing efforts
- respond to story through illustrations
- use simple punctuation
- copy from the board following verbal instructions
- attempts to write original sentences using inventive spelling
- create original stories through use of illustrations
-authoring and illustrating

- follow two-step direction and three-step verbal directions with prompts
- listen for a purpose without interrupting
- listen for comprehension, story details

- to speak in complete sentences
- participate in group discussions
- offer and share information
- distinguish between a question and a statement
- tell or dictate a story
- compose stories orally
- compose relevant questions relevant to topic.
Language Concepts
- up / down
- understand rhyme and name rhyming words
- colors
- top / bottom
- opposites
- first / last
- safety signs
- cause and effect


- positions / locations / recognizing and creating patterns/sequencing
- sorting and classifying
- counting readiness
- two and three dimensional shapes
- numbers, 0-20
- measurements: length
- measurement: time & money
- fractions and applications
-adding and subtracting 1 - 10
-explaining answers using pictures, numbers and words

- Classroom Plants (Science kit)
- Sunshine, Shadows & Silhouettes (Science kit)
- Water Play (Science kit)
- the seasons
- describing and comparing objects
- Animal Parts

Social Studies
- Self- awareness, individuality
- relationships with others
- social interaction skills
- citizenship
- multicultural awareness including holidays

- identify the personal, social, physical elements of the environment that contribute to one's safety and well-being
- accept responsibility for maintaining and improving the environment
- identify potential dangers in everyday situations
- identify body parts *personal hygiene

Character Development – Second Step